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Poker - glossary
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- Filiq
- @Filiq_
Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world. The game combines luck with skill. Players compete to win bets depending on the strength of their cards or their ability to effectively bluff other players. The game offers different variations, but the basic principle involves bets and gradual exposure of cards, creating an exciting and strategic atmosphere. The ability to read your opponent and make decisions based on available information are key elements of success in poker.
The basic rules of the game are relatively easy and understandable. However, there are many specific terms and expressions in the poker world that can be confusing for beginners, especially if they come from the English language.
The most well-known and most played variant is the Texas holdem, and all the concepts below will be related to it.
Cards and card combinations
- Hole Cards - cards that are dealt to individual players
- Flop - the first three cards on the table
- Turn - the fourth card on the table
- River - the fifth (last) card on the table
- Suit - suit of cards
- Suited - both cards dealt have the same suit
- Hearts - ♥
- Spades - ♠
- Diamonds - ♦
- Clubs - ♣
- Ace - A card
- King - K card
- Queen - Q card
- Jack - J card
Card combination
- Poker / Four of a kind - four same cards
- Full house - threes and a pair of cards
- Flush - hand that contains five cards all of the same suit
- Straight - hand that contains five cards of sequential rank
- Kicker - an unpaired card that decides the win in case of 2 or more identical combinations
- Player 1 has 9-A, player 2 has 3-A and the board is A-K-4-7-5, in this case they have the same pair, but player 1 wins because **9* * > **3**
- Draw - a situation where the player has an incomplete card combination
- Straight draw - the player is missing 1 card for the procedure
- Flush draw - the player lacks 1 card in suit
- Gutshot - similar to draw, only the player lacks 1 "inner" card for the procedure
- Stack - all chips that the player has
- Pot - the bank in which the bets are of the current game
- Button - a white token that marks the dealer, each game the token moves clockwise
- In home conditions, the player with the button also deals cards
- Blind - mandatory bet into the game before the cards are dealt, placed by 2 players to the left of the button
- Big blind - bigger blind
- Small blind - smaller blind
- Ante - a fee paid by all players before the cards are dealt (does not affect the amount of bets, but is part of the pot)
- Check - bet delay, the player does not have to bet if no one has bet before him
- Call - calling the opponent's bet
- Raise - increase of the previous bet
- All-in - player bets all his chips
- Fold - discarding the cards
- Bluff - bluff, feign good cards